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Three weeks in and pushing through the wall

Writer's picture: HannahHannah

Even if you prepare for everything, there will still be things that surprise you, good and bad. I tried my best to prepare for this past week. I memorized my monologue, organized my room, and my course work. Unfortunately things had other plans. At the start of the week, my teacher unfortunately got sick, so our routine changed which threw me off a bit. Tuesday was probably the worst day for me. I truly don’t know why but I just hit my breaking point. I ended up sobbing on the phone to Abbey about my life and how I’m feeling. Which at that point was not good. I decided to just finish the day. The class after my call with Abbey we had a substitute for our class, Michael Hoffman, and we started doing our monologues. I ended up standing in front of the class performing a Shakespeare monologue for the first time EVER. It was so scary but, just the thing I needed. After my cry and monologue the rest of the week turned around. I pushed through that wall I hit and kept going. I am very appreciative of my classmates who kindly checked in on me, my parents for their amazing support, and Abbey for picking up my call (she is the best, best friend in the world). On friday night, I went out with some people in my course for thai food before we went to the Miscast Cabaret LAMDA was having. It was so fun! The food was amazing and it was really cool seeing what other students are up to at LAMDA. 

On Saturday I got up early, and went to the globe theater because I had scheduled a 9:30am tour. London was so quiet on Saturday morning, it was lovely! I passed by some people walking a marathon which was cool. I really loved the tour of the Globe theater. There was a school group rehearsing on the stage so we weren’t allowed to take photos of the stage itself. I was listening to them rehearse and I was utterly amazed that I could tell what Shakespeare show it was! I was able to tell because I had done research on that show for class this past week! How cool! After returning to my flat to retrieve my Hello Fresh parcel, I went out again and met with some classmates at Notting Hill. We walked around Portobello Road and looked at the market stalls. I found some really cute winnie the pooh sketches that remind me of the one that used to be in our house before my sister took it to New Zealand for my niece’s nursery. It was so cool stumbling across some pictures that are either currently in my house back home or were at one point and finding out from my dad that there is a chance he got them from the same place many years ago. I loved that! Lastly after I went back to my flat for some tofu for dinner, I met up with my friend Jack and we saw Mean Girls (2024). I have been trying to see it for a couple weeks and I really liked it, I thought it was fun. Now I am just prepping for the week ahead and excited to get back to my classes

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